
Nespresso © engage Squared on the occasion of the International Coffee Day in Italy, studying the various profiles of #CoffeeLovers.

Lusardi Trading, with its compatible Nepresso pods, looks with you at the detected profiles, in a more social and fun way.

Features of #coffeelovers

The cult of coffee

Classic Neapolitan coffee maker even better, on low flame, slow boiling, with the preparation of the mixture with a manual pestle, not electric.

In silent and rigorous silence, the various parts are cleaned, the dose is prepared, weighed on a slingbar and with the grains that all come from the same plant of the same crop, picked by Pablo.

Bar coffee, blended by who knows who who are not perfectly balanced in aromas, is not coffee, let alone good.

The custom of coffee

Coffee in a large cup, with milk on the side to start, continue and end the day.

A coffee before the morning chat with mothers begins or after dropping the kids off at school.

A pitcher of coffee to drink every 40 lines for the next day’s exam or to avoid falling asleep in front of that boring economic scheme I have to prepare for the afternoon meeting.

A coffee, then we talk.

Rational coffee

A coffee machine, restricted, without sugar, short, which then we have to face a day of meetings.

I’m on my third this morning, compared to usual I’m 2 late, I have to catch up, otherwise I’ll yawn all day.

16:30 coffee that at 16:35 I have to get ready to go out, since at 17:00 I have to meet a couple of people over another coffee.

Shall we play with the cups?

At the machine, in 10 minutes, I’ll tell you what happened in the office this morning!

Do not call Giorgio who begins with his “if you try it once bitter, you never come back”.

“But how long have you been here?”
“About 4 chatter coffees ago”

You know that this morning at the bar I saw ….

From the four cult extremes of #coffeelovers, four profiles were found.

The four coffee lovers par excellence that Squadrati found with its own survey.

Let's have a coffee and understand what #coffeelover we are.


Coffee Lovers Purista Lusardi Trading

The integralist of coffee.

  • Black
  • Bitter
  • Restricted
  • In a hot cup
  • Golden cream on top

The words “Americano” and “Caffè” MUST NOT be in the same sentence.

Strictly sugar-free, coffee should be tasted in a boiling cup, waiting for it to reach an adequate temperature to be able to incorporate all its organoleptic properties. Better still if cold, in order to identify exactly the origin and the land plot from which the grain was harvested.

It must be the only flavor that is present in the palate at that moment, so the presence of a sufficient quantity of water is required to prepare the palate to receive the essence.

Water after coffee only if the coffee is not good, and you don’t drink bad coffee.


Coffee Lovers Explorer Lusardi Trading

“[…] It was a gamble to make that choice, few would have dared to do so. Sure on a different occasion and with different conditions, many would have done the same, but how could one refuse that unique, unrepeatable opportunity to to be able to try the new blend of Bar Pepi. It said coming from 4 different countries, I always stopped at 2. […] “

The home tablecloth is not stained, but a simple testimony of all the coffee aromas I experienced in my life.

“During this hot summer, only an iced coffee would bring relief.”

Have you tried the Guatemalan coffee with hints of Albino Ginger?


Coffee Lovers Functional Lusardi Trading

It is 7:05 in the morning, the mocha is boiling and a bipedal being is coming down the stairs.
He slowly approaches, I don’t know him, yet there is something familiar.
I notice an almost friendly attitude, a faint sound comes out of his lips, as if he were trying to say something.
The language, however, is incomprehensible.
The mocha stops boiling, the coffee has risen, I sip it and go back to staring at the biped, just in time to dodge the slipper thrown by my wife.

Coffee is not coffee, it is caffeine.


Coffee Lovers Social Lusardi Trading

Every single occasion to share a coffee in any way is a chance to talk to someone you can share a coffee with for any occasion where you haven’t been able to tell someone that … wait, I’m lost. Let me have another coffee and I’ll tell you what happened today.

Socially useful, coffee is the custom of having a chat.

#CoffeLovers #Amarcord

We leave you with Eduardo de Filippo , in his coffee monologue.

He professed and you, what a coffee lover are you?